

Reducing Environmental Impact in Collaboration with Carriers

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To contribute to preserving resources and the planet, Roquette collaborates with its carriers to offer more sustainable transportation solutions worldwide. Every year, Roquette ships between 5 and 10 million tons of bulk liquid, bulk powder, or packaged products to customers in over 100 countries. All modes of transportation are involved, including road, sea, multimodal rail, barge, and sometimes air.


Roquette has been committed to the FRET 21 program for two years and continues to strengthen its commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly those related to transportation.A dedicated team implements the logistics optimization plan and improves environmental performance in transportation. Its main missions are to identify performance levers and implement specific action plans country by country, according to local needs, for accelerated decarbonization of transportation activities.


This approach is based on four main axes aimed at optimizing loading rates, distances traveled, modes of transportation, and promoting relationships with environmentally responsible partners. The progress of these actions is regularly measured and shared, as Roquette is committed to promoting good practices in a continuous improvement approach.


A pilot project has been initiated in France, where Roquette has four industrial sites with a diversity of flows and significant volumes of transportation throughout Europe and the world. This French plan, consisting of 12 main actions, includes initiatives such as increasing payload on packaged transportation and more extensive use of pre-shipment by barge to ports. Work is also being undertaken to promote the development of multi-channel multimodal transportation modes, a reduction in air freight, and the use of more environmentally friendly alternative energies.


Roquette already calls on eco-labeled carriers as much as possible and has now structurally integrated the environmental dimension into its calls for tenders. Roquette’s employees and partners are sensitized to these issues and work together for the success of the FRET 21 program. During a Transport Suppliers Day organized in October 2022, carriers were encouraged to collaborate and innovate in decarbonization.


Building on the experience gained from this French plan, some initiatives are being extended to other countries, and others are being developed to achieve Roquette’s decarbonization ambition.

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