

Act & Care: Another Way to Increase Employee Engagement

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Created in 2017, the Roquette Foundation for Health, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, supports innovative or educational projects in the areas of food and nutrition.

Perfectly aligned with Roquette’s Acting commitments, the Foundation aims to develop activities with local communities, but also empower employees who help associations or non-profit organizations in their private lives.

To do so, the Roquette Foundation launched Act & Care in 2021 as a new initiative with the goal of annually supporting five associations or non-profit organizations that employees know or are involved in, around the theme of “feeding the most vulnerable.”


This initiative is an opportunity for all employees worldwide to apply to the Roquette Foundation and to have a chance to win €5,000 for their nominated organization. Each year, five associations will be selected by a jury composed of international employees, and each association will receive €5,000.


In 2021, projects led by associations in Vietnam, Cambodia, Spain, Lithuania, and India were the winners of the first edition:

Pour Un Sourire d’Enfant

In Cambodia, the mission of the French non-profit organization Pour Un Sourire D’Enfant is to help children in extreme poverty. They offer healthy and varied diets to the children and offer them educational accompaniment in an orphanage.

Les Enfants du Dragon

In Vietnam, the French non-profit organization Les Enfants du Dragon is committed to support families and children in extreme poverty situations. By hosting children and raising awareness about vegetable growing, the organization wants to make them autonomous to feed themselves.


In Spain, near our Benifaio plant, the association Afabals helps elderly people with Alzheimer’s disease to live in the best possible conditions. The association organizes workshops dedicated to nutrition with these seniors, and they are introduced to superfoods that are very important for good brain functioning. The association also works with families of these elderly people to raise awareness about how to limit the consequences of the disease in their daily life.

Dailusis Ornamentas

In Lithuania, the public establishment Dailusis Ornamentas seeks to preserve the physical and mental health of people with disabilities by creating artistic and health programs to help fight against the social isolation of these people. This year, the center created a project which promotes health on the plate. Conferences and workshops are organized to give advice about healthy food and best practices for cooking to participants.

Yuva Unstoppable

In India, the non-profit organization Yuva Unstoppable gives access to education for children in a situation of extreme poverty. The organization helps provide education and clean water to the children in the schools. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of schools were closed in India in 2021, and the children did not receive lunch during this period. The organization then decided to provide nutrition kits to the most underprivileged children to enable them to eat properly.

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