

Diversity and Inclusion: Let’s Make a Difference!

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At Roquette, we are convinced that strengthening diversity and inclusion is a key lever for business growth and customer satisfaction, that contributes to creating a great place to work and to being strongly rooted in our local communities.


In that respect, various actions are implemented globally and locally to foster diversity and inclusion over its various dimensions, such as gender, generations, cultures and geographies, and disabilities.


Each year, for the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Roquette organizes global and local campaigns to promote gender equity, open the dialogue and raise awareness through various formats:

  • • Communication through screensavers, posters, news on intranet
    • Local events in countries where we operate
    • Webinars and e-learning modules
    • Testimonies of women in leadership, women in innovation
    • Focus groups or teams’ discussions

With the support of Women@Roquette, our internal network for gender diversity, these campaigns are an opportunity to recognize women at Roquette and give the opportunity to employees to express what diversity and inclusion means to them.


This year, in the continuity of the International Women’s Day, Roquette has recently proposed a dedicated workshop on the place of women in industrial professions.


“Thank you for this exciting and enriching workshop that gave us the opportunity to reflect on gender diversity at Roquette!” 

“Great workshop today at Roquette around the theme of women and industry! The opportunity to exchange with some 40 employees committed to gender balance, from all over Europe, India and China… Congratulations and thank you for these rich interactions to attract, promote and retain female talent in industry!” 


This is a concrete example of how we act towards gender diversity and equity, with interactions among generations, cultures and geographies, disabilities, and more to progress year after year in creating an inclusive workplace at Roquette!

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