

Learn, Progress and Develop Knowledge During a Learning Week

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For Roquette and its employees, training is key to develop skills and knowledge everywhere. It allows the company to be more efficient while maintaining and reinforcing the employability of its employees.


To reinforce a continuous learning culture, Roquette deployed in 2019 a learning strategy for employees who can keep their knowledge and competencies up to date, develop and progress.


Since 2020, new training events such as Learning Week or Learning Days have been developed and are now key milestones of every year. Thanks to digital technologies, learning formats are innovative and attractive: webinars, e-learnings, web conferences or tutorials are available on many themes.


In 2021, the number of hours of training increased by more than 17%. Thanks to this increase and the support of internal contributors and external partners’ network, Roquette will organize soon the 3rd edition of Learning Week.

This week is an opportunity to all employees to be trained together, with a wide range of training sessions: sharing knowledge, exchange time and development of technical or other competencies are on the week’s program.

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