

Our Contribution to the Creation of the New STEAM center in Lithuania 

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Roquette’s social responsibility policy focuses on educational projects for local communities and aiming to introduce the latest sustainable technologies in nutrition, environment, and health. Thus, we are pleased to have contributed to the establishment of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) center for students in Panevėžys (Lithuania). 

This is a new science and knowledge space where students from the Panevėžys region can deepen their knowledge and practical skills in natural sciences, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. In modern laboratories, students can perform various tests and experiments. The center will also be able to host competitions, educational activities and meetings with representatives of various professions.  


The STEAM Open Access Center is equipped with four specialized laboratories: Biology and Chemistry, Physics and Engineering, Robotics and Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence. In the biology and chemistry lab, students will be able to discover how crystallization of inorganic substances occurs, what the composition of milk or juice is, determine acidity or nitrate content and observe photosynthesis. 


Roquette in Lithuania contributed to cover the maintenance costs of the biology and chemistry laboratory and helped the center to acquire a modern learning tool: a hydroponic greenhouse where students can grow various plants and observe their development.  


The hydroponic greenhouse differs from traditional greenhouses in that the plants grown in it do not need soil or sunlight. The plants draw all their matter from water enriched with minerals. This method of cultivation is considered one of the most promising methods of agriculture and horticulture. We believe that the possibilities of a hydroponic greenhouse and a modern plant-growing journey will captivate the imaginations of many young people and stimulate even more interest in natural sciences.    

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